Attorney Fees

How much is a lawyer going to cost me?

When you need to hire a lawyer, one of the first things that comes to mind is, how much is this going to cost me? Most people don't budget to hire a lawyer.

Attorney fees should be straight forward and not complicated. The SRIS Law Group strives to be a law firm that provides its clients effective and affordable legal services.

Fees Lawyer Costs Rates Virginia Maryland

Initial consultation

Our initial conversation is up to 15 minutes.

This purpose of the consultation is to get to know one another.

Flat rate

We handle all traffic/criminal cases on a flat rate provided there is a charge pending. This makes billing and fees incredibly easy. You know exactly what our services will cost after our initial consultation. We will both sign a written agreement so that there are no surprises at the end of the case.

The specific rate/fee for your traffic/criminal case will depend upon a variety of factors such as the charge you're facing and the court it's in. Due to the varied nature of charges, we cannot list rates online. However, we guarantee that we will set a rate for your case during our first consultation.

Family Law & Immigration Cases - Cost

We can handle family law & immigration case either on an hourly rate billing or flat rate billing. We let the client decide whether they want an hourly rate or flat fee cost after our first consultation. Again, we will both sign a written agreement so that there are no surprises at the end of the case.

Multiple payment methods

Our firm accepts cash, personal checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

Call the SRIS Law Group at 888-437-7747 or Click To Chat

We have client meeting locations in Virginia & Maryland

Our Phone #


Fairfax 703-278-0405
Click here to call us toll free Sris Lawyer Click here to call us toll free

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