Attorney Profiles

Lawyers & Staff

Frequently, when clients contact us for help in Fairfax Virginia, our clients wonder who is going to be their attorney and what makes them special?

First and foremost, what makes us so qualified is that most of our attorneys are trial lawyers.

Second, we bring a significant amount of experience to the table.

Third, we are very SERIOUS about customer service. We do our very best to return client calls within 8 hours. We also check our email frequently and thereby respond to client queries very quickly.

Fourth, we do not engage in “bait & switch”. Talk to us to find out more about this.

Talk to one of our attorneys and you will see and feel the difference. We assure you, a SRIS Law Group lawyer understands that customer service is critical to a person’s peace of mind.

Mr. SRIS – CEO / Attorney
Licensed in VA & DC

Ryan Ames

Luke Archer

These summaries are provided by the SRIS Law Group. They represent the firm’s unofficial views of the Justices’ opinions. The original opinions should be consulted for their authoritative content.

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Fairfax 703-278-0405
Click here to call us toll free Sris Lawyer Click here to call us toll free

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